07/11/03 10:55:47 C7ncUTO8
Dear XXX,
I am so excited, my honey I was in trvel company and I have some news
for you:)))
They can arrange a foreign passport and visa for me in 2-3 weeks.
Isn't it wonderful?
I don't need invitation, some papers. I can come as a usual tourist,
just need some papers from my university:)))
But I need 147$ for my passport and 242 $ for my visa. It would be
much cheaper, than I go to Kiev myself. It was so excited for me to
ask this travel agent about this trip. I had such a feelich, as I am 1
step closer to you...
And you? what do you feel about it?
My parents can not help me to arrange it with papers, passport and
etc. I hope only, that you could help me, because I do want to know
you in person:)
Thinking about you,