18/07/27 13:09:00.24 LIvbqxXr.net
KOTAKU | 27 Jul 2018
Politician Made Anti-LGBTQ Comments On Dragon Quest Composer's TV Show
政治家の反LGBTQ発言が飛び出したのは "ドラクエ" 作曲者のTV番組
Japanese politician Mio Sugita has made international news due to her anti-LGBTQ comments on a television show.
The program is co-hosted by Koichi Sugiyama, who composes music for the Dragon Quest games.
This was pointed out by Twitter user Shaun Musgrave (via Duckroll at ResetEra):
このことは Twitter ユーザの Shaun Musgrave によって指摘された。
> You may have seen this video of an awful politician spewing horrendous bile as the interviewers chuckle along with her.
> What you may not know is that one of the co-hosts of this show, one of the people laughing, is Dragon Quest series composer Koichi Sugiyama.
> ― Shaun Musgrave (@ShaunMusgrave) July 24, 2018
> 君はこの恐ろしくて忌々しい話をぶちまける酷い政治家とヘラヘラ笑ってる司会者たちの動画を見たかもしれない。
> でも君が多分気付いていないのは、この番組で笑ってる司会者の1人がドラゴンクエストシリーズの作曲者、すぎやまこういちだってことだ。