12/06/25 01:08:00.35 IEIBZvc+0
Traveling by train used to excite me as a child. A mere thought of being on the trains for many hours on an annual trip to my grandparents' house during
summer vacation would thrill me. Although a sight of a long distance train doesn't excite me as much as it did in my younger days, a scene where various
trains bound for respective destinations all over Japan were lined up along the platforms of a large terminal is still vivid in my memory, and the
excitement you particularly feel at the moment of train's departure sometimes comes back to me.
25点満点で20点程度。少し日本語の原文に引きずられている部分があり、そこは英語にしてみると妙に浮いてしまう。指摘した部分以外にも、to go to each placeや
a train startingなどは未消化な印象が拭えない。もちろん、大学受験の採点の現場でこれだけの答案にお目にかかることは滅多にないのだが。