14/03/22 22:13:34.63 0
34 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/03/22(土) 18:13:28.65 ID:uEGUFFzj0 [1/4]
hello JIM. i am from "アニメサロン" board.
we are disscusing about turn on the ID,
for that, we want to chanage defalt name to "メロン名無しさん@強制ID議論中".
can you help us?
Old name field:URLリンク(awabi.2ch.net)
New name field:メロン名無しさん@強制ID議論中
Board url:URLリンク(awabi.2ch.net)
Discussion link:スレリンク(asaloon板)
96 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/22(土) 19:52:42.21 ID:???0
Please just make a thread on your board to discuss that. After an appropriate time
vote on it.