12/05/25 15:37:26.54 e0XSHcGi0
おちけつ それただの自動返信だ
電子署名がめんどくさくて、印刷→署名→スキャン→添付 の流れでやったからなぁ
一応メール全文書いとくよ あと自分が署名した紙のスキャン送っとけば確実だと思う
5. Signed copy of the form below, confirming the legitimacy of the claim (must be signed and scanned). It is compulsory for all claims.
Hi filesmonster.com, my name is 《WEB上のニックネーム》.
My works is up-loaded illegal, I found.
My Web page address , email address and phone number are Following.(I am Japanese.)
And shop web page is Following.
AND illegal uploaded file is Following.
I am attaching the scanned copy of the document confirming legitimacy of
my action.
I have a good faith belief that the use of the material that appears
on the service is not authorized by the copyright owner.
The information in this notice is accurate, and I am authorized to acton behalf of the copyright owner.
I declare under the perjury laws that this notification is true and correct.
Please delete them light now.