11/08/13 13:26:25.16
That is great news. I hope you really enjoy it. I know there are many bugs.
We will fix the many bugs as people report them. Please enjoy it.
935: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】
11/08/13 19:41:01.62
good evening everyone!
936:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA
11/08/13 22:23:04.03
Good evening to you too.
937:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA
11/08/13 23:40:16.99
Good night friends.
938:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA
11/08/14 08:27:42.47
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.