10/08/10 21:47:13 eroXfZjt
* Boy "screamed in woman's ears"
* Left her bleeding from the ears, "deaf"
* Legal battle with Qantas for over a year
IT can be a traveller's great fear - sitting near a screaming child on a passenger plane.
US tourist Jean Barnard, who embarked on her dream holiday to Australia and New Zealand
in January last year, alleges the trip became a nightmare when she boarded a Darwin-bound
Qantas plane in Alice Springs, walked to her assigned seat and came face-to-face with
a three-year-old boy across the aisle.
The boy allegedly leaned back over his armrest toward Ms Barnard and let out a scream
so severe that blood erupted from her ears, leaving her "stone cold deaf"
ああ、 何だかなーって感じですね。