11/10/15 23:40:36.23 xhN2j6oq
Special Motor Vehicle Safeguard:
Korea has committed to add a special safeguard for motor vehicles to ensure that the American auto industry does not suffer from any harmful
surges in Korean auto imports due to this trade agreement. This safeguard: (1) would be available for 10 years beyond full elimination of tariffs for
each Korean auto product; (2) would not require that the U.S. government offer Korea tariff reductions or other compensation ? generally required
when a safeguard is applied ? for up to two years after this particular safeguard is applied; (3) could also be applied more than once per particular
auto product if more than one surge causes serious damage to U.S. production of that product (and the higher tariffs could be applied to a particu-
lar product for as long as four years, instead of three years as in the agreement’s general safeguard); (4) would not require the U.S. to progressively
re-lower tariffs while the special motor vehicle safeguard is applied; and (5) would require fewer procedural steps to speed up the application of the
safeguard when U.S. workers need faster relief.