★★★リアカーは引くもの? 押すもの?★★★2at GENGO
★★★リアカーは引くもの? 押すもの?★★★2 - 暇つぶし2ch543:垣野 正通
11/01/13 19:59:00 0
Accodring criminals's thought, about the case of murder a victim by one of felons named Kim Ichong(real name looks like Kim Jongi), he has sent signal
(let creature brain dead as they've been threating me, when they have sent this signals for experiment with dogs, it has ran about wildly as going mad, and then
it has been slumped down with opening it's eyes as it has gone off brain dead. as S.Korean project team from the compay Samsung have succeeded to experiment with dogs
for let them brain dead.) to one of victims S.Korean man mediated by Sattelite of S.Korea and one of victims S.Korean man had suicided bu jumping over the window
 as one of victims S.Korean man has suffered from their signal of that.
And after one of felons Kim Ichong(real name looks like Kim Jongi) has murdered one of victims S.Korean man like that, he said like (mission completed) and almost all criminals with him went to take a meal.
And according to criminals' thought, victims who had murdered by this signal are not only him.
According to criminals' thought criminals of S.Korean project team has also murdered another victims they've said.
They're completely insane.
And according to criminals' thought, criminals of S.Korean project team have been changing targets in over 30000 victims one after another to torture them.
And according to criminals' thought, there are like 50 criminals in S.Korean project team who have comitted the cases of murders, the cases of abandoning dead bodies,
 and the cases of torture over 30000 victims wirepulled by a financial combine group Samsung.
And almost all victims of over 30000 victims are from S.Korea and they have recognized victims individually by numbering as I am numbered in their some of on 30000.
And they've already emperimented like 10000 victims as human experiment.
Besides S.Korean government and the military authorities of S.Korea has concerned with them, and it's kind of National project they've said.
Masamichi Kakino
