Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 151at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 151 - 暇つぶし2ch478:名無しさん@英語勉強中
11/01/09 00:02:13
If you read the article linked in >>465, It's quite obvious Kyon2 is talking about physical
characters when she said, 「私の歴代の彼氏は、細くて小さい男。」

11/01/09 00:07:23
My former boy friends were short and thin.

11/01/09 00:28:04
its sarcasm. she said both at once.

11/01/09 01:39:08
>>475-480 Thanks to everyone who made translation comments on the article.

So in that article she might still be referring to her current boyfriend, who might still be Kame-chan... hmm....
From your discussion what I understand is she is mocking the men in her life, saying they are weak physically and mentally.
Is that the case? She sounds like a really tough woman. Although it is mean to say such things to fragile people with body-image complexes,
I still like her. Maybe she reflects her own complexes on her partners. She is petite after all.

>>474 No no no, I am "Kame Girl" , not KGKGKG, who is a self declared ninja on youtube.

482:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
11/01/09 12:09:45
Tomorrow is the day holding the ceremony for all 20years
people in Japan.(We call it "Seijinsiki").
But, I don't wanna go to there though I'm 20. Because it's
very troublesome to buy a suit for such boring ceremony.
I might as well stay home as go to there.

11/01/09 13:07:55
NO! Please don't look at me! You guys give me the creeps!
I want to be left alone. You must understand. Please...

11/01/09 13:09:58
you should go there because you have only one chance of it in your life
and you can talk with cute girls

485:nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI
11/01/09 13:24:10
"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time;
it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable."

11/01/09 13:57:18
What are you talking about? You want me to go where? Besides, you guys are responsible for this. Don't make your responsibility mine. You have to leave me! Watch me no more!

11/01/09 14:08:37
there is one more ceremony about age in Japan.
people become adult after seijinsiki.
hichigosan. 七五三 means 7 5 .3.
child become human after hichigosan. 5 3 is option.
7 is important. people become human child after 7 years old in Shinto.
before that. children are not human being. in another words. you can kill them. or god might rid them .
especially. when parents found out child's handicap.

488:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
11/01/09 14:29:39
Umm..., but, my seniors who work with me as a part-time
worker in my workplace told me "Speech of our mayor in
the time is boring to us" yesterday. I thought "I might as
well stay home as go to there and listen to such mother-
fuckin' speech" then. I think listening to long and boring
speech at there is just wasting time. As you know, time
is money. So, I use my time anyway I want.

11/01/09 15:42:21
Are you serious? You should consider giving up watching me.
I mean, drop it. You should better give it all up!!

11/01/09 15:51:10
Ceremony and tradition are largely useless. If you do not want to go, stay home, I'd say. Or at least go out and do something else.

11/01/09 16:30:13
Stay home, you say? No, that's not what I'm asking for. All I ask is for you to not watch me.
You should know how very much you reduce me to tears. I'm fired out because of you guys..
You guys put me in a sitch where I need to strain my nerves to check if you guys keep watching me...
Please stop draining my energy... I'm wholly a victim...

11/01/09 17:03:05
does your time at home create more value than seeing your friends at the ceremony?
the speech is surely boring.but I enjoyed talking with friends during the speech

11/01/09 19:47:00
I suprised I could understand your chat in this thread.

11/01/09 20:04:07
I started leaning english use skype.

not yet call・・・

11/01/09 21:28:15
me too...

11/01/09 21:54:58
>>488 The point is that you as a group gather on that day, not the boring speech. Just watch other people during the speech.
You must buy or borrow a suit and attend the ceremony. You need to have a suit handy in any case.
You need to make an effort to meet other 20 year olds.
It is for your own good.
Now go and start preparing yourself please.

11/01/10 01:45:56
>From your discussion what I understand is she is mocking the men in her life, saying they are weak physically and mentally.
Is that the case?

I didn't watch the TV show so I can't judge from her facial expression and her tone of voice
when she said the comment to know what she really meant. All I can do is to judge from
the article. I didn't get an impression that she was mocking her boyfriends (and current boyfireind if she has one now)
just by reading the article. I thinkg that she's just saying the fact about
her boyfriends's physical character.

I'd say no women want to go out with a man who they mock in the first place.
It could happen that they mock their ex-boyfriends if they were treated really bad by their ex boyfriends, though.

Maby subconsciously Kyon2 is attracted to small build men and has gone out
with men with such physical characteristics.

11/01/10 04:02:51
>>497 Thank you, maybe that is the case.
