10/10/07 09:39:40
■ against
a) used to say that someone opposes or disagrees with something:
Every council member voted against the proposal.
Mr Howard has declared that he is against all forms of racism.
the fight against terrorism
b) used to say that an action is not wanted or approved of by someone:
They got married against her parents' wishes (=although they knew her parents did not want them to).
She has been kept in the house against her will (=she does not want to stay in the house).
The use of certain drugs is against the law (=illegal).
It's against my principles to borrow money (=I do not believe it is right).
■ despite
used to say that something happens or is true even though something else
might have prevented it [= in spite of]:
Despite all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.