10/10/07 12:59:42
(今日の単語 51~60) 取り急ぎ
51.strand 立ち往生させる
The bus became stranded in the snow.
52.snoop around のぞき回る
snoop around the top-secret establishment
53.denigrate 中傷する
denigrate the professor's achievment
54.succomb to 屈する/死ぬ ×「試合に負ける」には使えない
He finally succomb to the temptation.
55.revoke (許可・免許などを)取り消す。破棄する。
The council revoked the law.
56.trot out 話を出す
The magazine kept trotting out the same stuff over and over again.
57.deride あざわらう
deride the company's actions
58.rampage 暴れ回る(ネトゲ技のランページ?w)
The bulls pampaged throught the streets.
59.construe 解釈する
I construed his silence as an admission of guilt.
60.pry 詮索する。のぞき見る(あれ?52.とおんなじだww)
The press should stop prying into peaple's private lives.