[じっくり]物凄い勢いで法律相談に答えるスレ◆★4at COURT
[じっくり]物凄い勢いで法律相談に答えるスレ◆★4 - 暇つぶし2ch855:垣野 正通
11/01/08 20:48:56 9+KWfFqp0
And according to criminals' thought, criminals of S.Korean project team have been
changing targets in over 30000 victims one after another to torture them.

And according to criminals' thought, there are like 50 criminals in S.Korean project team
who have comitted the cases of murders, the cases of abandoning dead bodies,
and the cases of torture over 30000 victims wirepulled by a financial combine group Samsung.

And almost all victims of over 30000 victims are from S.Korea and they have recognized victims individually by numbering
as I am numbered in their some of on 30000.

And they've already emperimented like 10000 victims as human experiment.

Besides S.Korean government and the military authorities of S.Korea has concerned with them, and it's kind of National project they've said.

And according to criminals' thought, about the case of torture and murder a victim
by one felons Kim Myonghi, he has tortured one of victims S.Korean woman for a month
by sending torture signals to her mediated by Sattelite of S.Korea to stimulate her local area for letting her go mad,
and finally felon Kim Myonghi has murdered her by stopping her breathe compulsory.

And according to criminals' thought, one of criminals Kim Myonghi has shown his personal licence of Samsung.

And according to criminals' thought, the story about the cases of indicating murder a Japanese celebrity Ai Iijima
by the president of China Hu Jintao has been famous between S.Korean people in Japan,
and there has been a person who has attended on her to lead her to China for setting,
and if people are gonna investigate the account of the bank of Joseon or bank of Chosen,
and if people are gonna investigate mails of Chongryon, the proofs will be found.

垣野 正通
北海道札幌市中央区南11条西8丁目2-43 和光ヴィラコート603号室
