10/07/03 05:31:00 y7aC1UgbP
NPD top 20 sales for May 2010
1. Red Dead Redemption (360) 945.9K
2. Red Dead Redemption (PS3) 567.1K
3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 563.9K
4. UFC 2010 Undisputed (360) 221.1K
5. UFC 2010 Undisputed (PS3) 192.3K
6. Wii Fit Plus (Wii)
7. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
8. Alan Wake (360)
9. Pokemon SoulSilver (DS)
10. Skate 3 (360)
11. Lost Planet 2 (360)
12. New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
13. Pokemon HeartGold (DS)
14. God of War III (PS3)
15. Just Dance (Wii)
16. Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
17. Super Street Fighter IV (PS3)
18. Modnation Racers (PS3)
19. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360)
20. Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
クレさん3ヶ月連続ランクインw オン無し1人用アクションゲーなのに凄すぎワロタw