PCエミュレーター統合スレッド Part8at I4004
PCエミュレーター統合スレッド Part8
- 暇つぶし2ch409:ェ53秒 通報 返信・引用 Dear Kasanova, thanks for your great emulator. :) My question, is it possible to install successful Windows95 on the Harddisk image? I tried but without luck. EMM386.EXE can't be loaded because it requires HIMEM.SYS (or a compatible XMS driver), and HIMEM.SYS is not working. If a way exist, please can you explain me please? Thank you in advance. Anna Wu Re: Windows95 on UNZ 投稿者:Kasanova@管理人メール 投稿日:2011年 1月30日(日)23時37分20秒 通報 返信・引用 Hi Anna, Thanks for your report. I've never tried to install it. Windows95 is not working on UNZ due to the lack of some protected-mode features in the CPU emulation. Is there any particular reason for using the FM TOWNS version of Windows95 on the emulator? I know that it's a very rare localized version of Windows95 and you want to see how it is working. ;)