13/03/03 06:07:34.72 WgxQEBm00
Gosh I never realised that members of the armed forces got so much time off.
【Rating 2030】
As long as I am working a 60 hour week with no hope of a holiday this year (nor last year)
I really don't want to hear about these two and their 'much needed breaks'.
I shouldn't think any woman who happens to be pregnant but is still struggling to work everyday wants to hear
about her lazy days on the tennis court or strenuous après ski activities either.
Rating 【1946】
Haven't they just returned from a holiday in the Caribbean ? Following a break in Borneo. Think Kate managed one brief 'appointment' in between breaks.
Gosh our royals work hard! Nice to know we're all in it together. William and Harry seem to get an awful lot of holiday - is this normal in the services ?
Rating 【1781】
Uh oh, don't think this is going to go down well with us lot . . . AGAIN!
Rating 【 1345】
Do this pair do anything else apart from going on holiday? They are reported as "taking a break" from what I wonder.
Rating 【1267】
One holiday to Mustique not enough for the "Royal" duchess. Gosh they are both really winding people up.
Times are hard for everyone, but it is good to know that the taxpayer is still funding these royal parasite, ensuring that they suffer no hard times.
Rating 【 1257】
Another holiday??!
Rating 【1168】