12/05/05 23:14:34.57 soyoFOcG0
23 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/05/03(木) 12:01:09.57
Kameoka Driving-without-a-Unlicensed wounding-and-killing incident
KAZUMA Izu (Driver) . Ren Yamashita (Riding together).
Tokiya Iimanishi(Riding together).
Kazuma Izu (Driver) Kameokashi Hozu :Nishiuma place 13-1, (douwa?)
Guardian:Takashi Izu .Tadakatu Izu.
Itis a guidance history by extortion and shoplifter.
Kamejinnkai of President of a university.A moped is operated
without a licence and there is an arrest record two or more times.
The state where license cannot be taken .
The hobby of Italian Izu (mixi)
Movie appreciation, a sport, music appreciation, a karaoke band,
a dish, shopping, a fashion, outdoor, a drive, a travel, gamble