12/03/13 17:44:44.05 NmFa4bws0
★"I wish all Japanese were holocausted by the Japan earth quake " a Korean guy uploaded a message on YOUTUBE on 3.11 the day of the tsunami disaster a year ago.
One year from the day of Japan earth quake disaster, an Korean guy uploaded a message on YOUTUBE and many Japanese are upset about his cruel message from the neighboring country.
the Korean guy is emphasizing he "wish all Japanese died by Japan earth quake last year " and "if I have to kill someone, that would be Japanese "
"all Japanese will die by larger earth quake in future so I do not need to kill Japanese yet"
this young Korean guy is talking in halting Japanese, and seems to be looking down to read some kind of script.
some people are angry enough to translate this into English or French to introduce such animosity from Korea to world wide.
A message thead was opened on North American MB 4chan
as "All Japanese be killed in an earthquake"
The movie start like "Hi Japanese people, Good evening ""Are you all exposed to radiation ?""Are you all going to die by another big earth quake that will occur on Tokyo ?".
He then continue as laughing "When imaging killing people, I always image Japanese, but now I do not need to kill" because Japanese will die all by another big earth quake.
he concludes the movie by "yeah, I feel so Good, so then i wish you Japanese good Luck and i will enjoy watching Japanese die, Please die at once"
the movie guy is Asian looking and dying the hair in yellow color.
this movie was assumed to have uploaded to aim for the 3.11 the day of a year from Japan earth quake.