12/01/04 08:30:23.96 ixetDD6R0
URLリンク(www.youtube.com) シウ動画
@SuperFlashfish I'm actually relatively sure you are correct. Vocaloid was not originally Japanese. :/ GirRocks8 1週間前
@DarthChrisB wow you're just so wrong so so incredibly wrong...
funkandpunkk 2 週間前
@DarthChrisB Spanish program from it's very roots, man. (略
SuperFlashfish 1 か月前
Lolol wowwwww. They were UK's idea. Japan just improved it.(略
Snariph 1 か月前
@Aunpaidintern Ah I see. I I totally knew that(not). I did here about the Spanish University part though I took more account into the fact Zero-G finished there's first. (略)
SuperFlashfish 1 か月前
@SuperFlashfish Sure, Vocaloid started in England because the first Vocaloids were from England, but the software technically originated from a Spanish University in Spain. Yamaha only financed them.(略 Aunpaidintern 1 か月前
@GeniousCritic Technically, Vocaloid isn't from Yamaha. Yamaha had nothing to do with the actual production of the first Vocaloid (略
Aunpaidintern 1 か月前
@sayuna1103 um n-not to be the rain on your parade or anything but Vocaloid orginated in England(that's were the first,
Leon and Lola, vocaloids were made.(略 SuperFlashfish 2 か月前 65(高評価多すぎ)