12/03/19 14:36:17.06 +PmgtiSn0
As the .Bild" - newspaper reports, earns 1,5 million the 23-Jähirge at present Euro per year.
His/its salary could almost double with an extension.
The BVB has pressure at the negotiations, because at Kagawa shall
the Top-Klubs Manchester united and arsenal London is interested, submitted already an offer. .
Wir consider us in the conversation. But Shinji still has until 2013 acts. By therefore, no rush from
our view is offered. Is valid in principle: Shinji thrives in Dortmund. Moreover it is very important,
continuously for him/it to be able to play in the champions of League, the newspaper Kagawas quotes advisors Thomas Kroth.
>the Top-Klubs Manchester united and arsenal London is interested, submitted already an offer.