08/06/30 08:51:15 8PvFplh40
254 名前:名無しさん@全板トナメ参戦中 投稿日:2008/06/30(月) 01:26:26 ID:pQrV1TSr0
ニュースグループ: sci.lang.japan, fj.life.in-japan
差出人: "John W." <worthj1...@gmail.com>
日付: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 07:23:06 -0700 (PDT)
ローカル: 2008年6月25日(水) 午後11:23
件名: Re: Bye-bye WaiWai
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On Jun 25, 2:48 am, Declan Murphy <declan_mur...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think its so unusual. Compare the main page of most
> broadsheets, with the corresponding frontpage of their website. The
> website version invariably has a somewhat tabloid skew.
Are you implying that Japanese housewives aren't prostituting on the
side? Not only did my one reason to read Mainichi go away, I also now
lost one reason to go to Japan.
Wonder if Ryan O'Connell is now unemployed; had some good email
correspondence with him a few years back. Seemed like a nice guy.
John W.