07/03/23 16:33:43 3a+hVVxG0
607 名前:ペコ ◆mASwUOEhbs [sage] 投稿日:2007/03/17(土) 00:04:01 ID:WKuyO/Kv0
レス番をつけてなかったから見逃し(無視)されても仕方ないですねー。これは謝っておきます。m(_ _)m
473 霊能者 sage 2007/03/04(日) 00:15:25 ID:/UMv/grP0
Channeling is a process whereby an individual (the "channeler") claims
to have been invaded by a spirit entity which speaks through the chan
neler. The channeling craze began in earnest in 1972 with the publicat
ion of Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts and Robert Butts, her husband. They
claim that "Seth," a very wise "unseen entity," communicated his wisd
om to Jane, who dictated to Butts while she was in a trance. Though Ro
berts, a somewhat accomplished poet, was obviously very literate and
widely read in many religious and occult traditions (including Jung),
her advocates portray her as communicating ideas beyond her ability. T
hey take this as proof she was inspired. This is true: Roberts and But
ts were probably inspired by the depth of human credulity.
474 霊能者 sage 2007/03/04(日) 00:17:51 ID:/UMv/grP0
479 ペコ ◆mASwUOEhbs sage 2007/03/04(日) 01:32:58 ID:+YBKOpUa0