【誕生日】今日誕生日の人を祝うスレ【おめでとう】at FORTUNE
【誕生日】今日誕生日の人を祝うスレ【おめでとう】 - 暇つぶし2ch412:マドモアゼル名無しさん
06/10/03 07:27:56 VrvNx04b
ELLE 10月1日生まれの人(英文)

Happy Birthday, Libra! Intelligent and capable, you can become a brilliant shining star, provided you're able to get started and stay the course.
Preparation and attention to detail are likely to be of paramount importance to you, but may also get out of hand.
Because you have an exacting eye, you feel compelled to make revisions in existing situations.
This could continue until a deadline occurs or others simply lose patience and leave.
Decision-making is often an intricate tarantella that leaves you and those nearest you emotionally and physically exhausted.
Your good taste helps you recognize real value, beauty and talent when you see it.
But since you don't always trust your instincts, every possibility must be processed through your complex maze of consciousness.
Relationships are a major challenge, probably because you're very restless. Because of your edgy, often nervous sensibility, you don't do well in predictable, routine-infested settings. You feel like Mount Aetna on a bad day.
A rebel who masquerades as a team player or average Joe, you may leave jobs, relationships, or locales very abruptly.
As soon as you feel more like a captive than a free agent, a powerful urge to wander takes over.
In an ideal scenario, you'd have others in your life when you wanted or needed them.
You don't like giving up your autonomy for the sake of a relationship - although many of you are able to manage this for a period of time.
C0mpetitive and farsighted, you're the proverbial hare in a sea of turtles.
You may have difficulty being patient with others' slow drip mentality, particularly since your brain is exceptionally active.
Unlike most Librans, you're not necessarily looking for a lifetime mate or long-term career.
