06/11/28 09:37:32
In dealing with the first of these three points, the memorandum applied the
"strategic axiom" that the commander should first attack and defeat the weaker
force of a divided enemy. Eisenhower reasoned that although Germany and its
satellites were stronger in total combat power than Japan, Japan was still
"relatively stronger" since it was not at war with the Soviet Union and much less
accessible to attack by the main forces of the other Allied powers. Moreover, it
took three to four times as many ships to transport and maintain a given American
force in the Pacific as in the Atlantic. Therefore, Eisenhower concluded, "logistic
reasons, as well as strategic axiom, substantiate the soundness of the decision
to concentrate against the European Axis.
>Germany and its satellites were stronger in total combat power than Japan,
>Japan was still "relatively stronger" since it was not at war with the Soviet Union