08/08/08 17:54:52 ZHL0FVB6
Weekend Update: Friday brings hope, especially during the morning and early afternoon, particularly in a career or status/image matter.
Don't hesitate to push your agenda forward.
You might experience some short-lived resistance later in the afternoon, but it's nothing you haven't punched out and pushed to the side before.
Saturday urges you to get up and get going before you usually do.
Get a jumpstart on your day and a bigger advantage over your competitors.
Be physical. Walk instead of ride.
Unless you've got a medical condition, climb stairs instead of take the escalator or elevator.
You might be surprised how energizing doing things 'the hard way' can be!
You make an excellent impression on others during the day.
They find you to be charming, personable and very professional.
They also find you irresistibly funny and likeable.
Afternoon and evening could seamlessly blend business with pleasure, making your weekend more eventful than you'd supposed.
Sunday morning moves Mercury into your partnership sector.
This suggests that a new personal or business partner is in the works.
Now you've got leverage, baby!