08/06/13 09:08:34 5qj4Q0vv
Weekend Update:
You might have plans that seem up in the air this weekend.
You're unsure how things are going to pan out and feel better just letting others call the shots and run the show.
You're happy to do whatever they decide is best. Friday is a day of acceptance, forgiveness and eventually brings the blessing of relaxation.
Don't bother trying to influence others, and stop trying to swim upstream like spawning salmon.
Just take the smoothest, simplest path on Friday. No need to make waves or raise red flags.
Saturday shoves retro Pluto back into your career and reputation sector, once again proving that 'It ain't over till it's over,'
especially when it comes to opportunities you pursued during the past couple years but gave up on.
Between now and September, you are encouraged to follow up on all possible leads - even the ones that seemed dead and buried.
Father's Day brings up a lot of deep feelings and memories.
At times, you feel somewhat aggravated and argumentative, and at other times, you feel engulfed in pleasant reveries.
You won't feel like answering questions or being analyzed by anyone on Sunday.
You're more in the mood to be left alone. If you feel like socializing, you know what to do.