08/06/09 01:38:06 +4Qq53xM
Frank Pilkington
Sun 8th June - Sat 14th June
The sun and Venus in Gemini align to Uranus and make it a brilliant week for you.
You're heading into a wonderfully honest time where your roots are concerned,
only this time, you'll banish the old ghosts who used to give you grief,
and will embrace the kindred spirits you always knew were in there somewhere.
Listen carefully to what others are saying, as no matter how intently you think
you're paying attention, there still seems to be some sort of crossed wires
or conflicting information. It may even be a downright lie they're telling you.
You should avoid bending the truth at all costs this week,
especially when fantasy re-enters the equation. Keep to the facts.
You're in a profound zone where your work and career are concerned,
and with Pluto moving back into Sagittarius and asking you to double check
that you're happy with the path you've chosen, it's all go.
Its all change next week and you'll be in a much better more positive place.