16/08/31 16:23:35.37 Gi+4jitl0?2BP(1001)
550 名前:名無し~3.EXE[sage] 投稿日:2016/08/30(火) 23:01:19.99 ID:25Bbv9pg
MacType v1.2016.830.0 released
@snowie2000 snowie2000 released this 6 hours ago
Major update, all users are recommended to upgrade.
Windows 8/8.1/10 ready
Directwrite tweak re-enabled. (Great thanks to silight-jp, please visit: URLリンク(silight.hatenablog.jp) and give him a thumb up)
Enable this tweak by adding DirectWrite=1 to general section. No other parameter available.
Upgraded freetype to 2.6.5, note that this version brings to you a different rendering result.
HiDPI ready for MacTuner and MacTray
Folder support for mactype wizard in profile thumbnail view.
Multi-lang switch effect optimized.
Chrome compatibility improved, no letter missing or rendering chaos anymore (I hope).
Injecting to metro is possible in all loading modes. (Mactype has to be install to program files folder and installing to system folder option should be checked).
Vertical layout in firefox and some other programs has been fixed (Special thanks to silight-jp)
Clipbox parameter is no longer required, it has been fixed for all programs. (thanks to silight-jp again, you are such a great developer)
Mactray can identify more os versions now.