16/04/07 17:49:06.17 v0OtLeyp0?2BP(1001)
Japanese nationals suspected of hiding crime gains in offshore tax havens
Recently leaked documents dubbed the “Panama Papers” show that a number of Japanese nationals own companies in offshore tax havens,
raising suspicions that some are being used to transfer gains from criminal activities to disrupt police investigations.
“It is so easy to send money out of the country. Pyramid sales, bank transfer scams, pornographic video production ?
people engaging in suspicious businesses are all using tax havens,” said a 41-year-old man in western Japan who spoke to Kyodo News on condition of anonymity.
The man from Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture, has allegedly collected about \340 million ($3.08 million) from investment fraud and owns a company
in the Seychelles that he acquired in 2013 via a Chinese firm.
“We can fool authorities by moving money using tax havens even in shady businesses in Japan,” he said.
The man was ordered by Japanese district courts between 2010 and 2014 to pay a total of
around \36 million in five civil suits in connection with fraudulent investment schemes.
But the man has not paid any of the money, with a representative of the plaintiffs saying, “There were no assets in Japan that could be confiscated.”
Lawyer Masaki Kito, who is well-versed in investment frauds,
said companies tend to be established in tax havens as a means for individuals to buy time by sending overseas their gains from criminal activities.
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