09/09/10 07:37:17 Q/F26JNI0
公僕事務屋の服装倒錯物語 2006,06,20
The transvestite tales of a public pen-pusher 2006,06,20
Shukan Asahi 6/23 By Ryann Connell
週刊朝日 6/23 ライアン・コネル記
"She" strutted into the train carriage, hitched up "her" black miniskirt, and
slumped down on the Hankyu Line train seat with "her" legs spread. From a
hole in "her" pantyhose protruded an object that not only gave away the fact
that "she" was a "he," but also suggested that he was in a very happy mood,
indeed, according to Shukan Asahi (6/23).
He/she was 56-year-old Yutaka Ikeuchi, who was arrested for indecent
exposure. Police collared him when he tried to escape after a group of girls
on the train started asking him what the hell he thought he was doing.