プロレス団体が猿を虐待してるかもしれないって5at MS
プロレス団体が猿を虐待してるかもしれないって5 - 暇つぶし2ch13:可愛い奥様
09/08/21 00:46:44 l1+n92jr0
6 可愛い奥様 sage 2009/06/20(土) 05:48:23 ID:gsuGr2Sb0
Dear animal rights group
I am one of the Japanese who loves the animal .
I knew that a Japanese professional wrestling group existed performed in xxxx this time. I would like to inform you that the doubt which the monkey is daily maltreated leans by them.
They are set up the stronghold in Kobe, and called " Dragon Gate". They have kept this monkey named "KORA" as a pet for 8years, and this 5years KORA has maight be maltreated.
One of the members maltreated a Japanese monkey while enjoying was written by own blog. In addition, it puts it to the maltreated photograph.
URL is appended because there is animation of the summary in YouTube, too though it is the Japanese one. URLリンク(www.youtube.com)
He is writing the appearance of the cruelty to enough humour very amusingly.
When KORA had started escaping, the neck was wrung by vomiting of the bubble from the mouth and defecation. It is a photograph of YouTube.
KORA was drunk by force and it was tired out.
The charcoal that burns brightly is thrown out, and eyes of the mouth are shot with the air gun. Fireworks are thrown out.
They put KORA in case, they hit and kicked.
Because KORA was stinky, the spray was spouted to the box. And, the one like the writer was brought close even if it threatened. The box exploded. KORA that had seemed that it died it was alive.
KORA.. to step into a bath like garbage. Even if KORA dislikes it, it washes because it makes to the burn and it sees. KORA threw out and was dropped. The photograph of that time is recorded, too.

KORA is a sound that originates when scolding in Japanese.
Please know This animal cruelty group is going to show the professional wrestling in xxx which you live.
Thank you very much for reading.

