10/05/23 04:04:56 Kt8pCRN4
Lifting US ban on Russia's S-300s for Iran blows hole in Israel's security
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis May 22, 2010, 3:38 PM (GMT+02:00)
米国のロシアに対する、イラン向けS-300ミサイル防衛システムの解禁措置がイスラエルの新たな脅威に DEBKA
Friday, May 21, the administration scrapped sanctions against the Russian state arms export agency and three other
Russian entities that were penalized in the past for transferring sensitive technology or weapons to Iran. Also lifted
were sanctions against a fourth Russian entity for illicit arms sales to Syria, including technology for developing the
very missiles against which Israel's five-day exercise is preparing the public next week.
Our Washington sources report that the Obama administration bought Russia's backing for a weak UN sanctions
resolution by giving way on penalties detrimental to Iran's economy or impeding its nuclear program. America thus
opened the door for Russia to start training Iranian S-300 missile crews - without Israeli raising its voice in protest in
either capital.
援などを制裁する措置を取り下げ、この結果としてS-300 ミサイル防衛システムのイラン人スタッフへの訓練を解禁すること