10/03/30 21:04:12 to57yD5Q
A Columnist Sentenced to Three Years in Prison in Ecuador Posted by Gabriela Calderon
エクアドルで新聞のコラムニストが3年間の懲役を課される Posted by Gabriela Calderon
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has long labeled the free press as his “main enemy.” His attitude has
unfortunately resulted in official intolerance of individuals critical of the government.
エクアドルのRafael Correa大統領は新聞との闘争を続けていて、最近そのために犠牲者が発生
The latest example is that of Emilio Palacio, the editor of the op-ed page of El Universo ? the newspaper with the
highest circulation in the country ? who was sentenced on Friday to three years in jail for an op-ed he wrote in
August 2009. Palacio accused Camilo Saman, director of a state-owned bank, of having sent protesters to El
Universo’s offices after the newspaper reported on possible acts of corruption at the bank.
国内最大の発行部数を持つEl Universo新聞の論説欄編集者であるEmilio Palacioは金曜日に、彼が2009年8月
に書いた評論のため3年間の懲役を課せられた。彼の評論が、国営銀行の総裁で有るCamilo Samanを汚職の疑い
The government regularly vilifies its critics including journalists, university students, businessmen, and indigenous
leaders. For example, during his weekly national radio shows, the President has attacked Carlos Vera and Jorge
Ortiz, the two most popular news anchors in the country. The government’s frequent nationally televised
messages (that every TV station on public airwaves is forced to broadcast) usually have the sole purpose of
attacking a person or group that opposes official policy.
例えば大統領は毎週行っているラジオ番組の中で、国内で最も有名な二人のニュース・アンカーで有るCarlos Vera
と Jorge Ortizを非難している。政府が定常的にTVの全国放送で流しているメッセージ(TV局には政府の番組の
In 2008 Correa took over several privately owned TV and radio stations. Last year, he apparently had his eyes set
on Teleamazonas, another TV station on public airwaves.