09/04/07 10:41:29 ZA8u/A7I
これはAEIの北朝鮮専門家である NICHOLAS EBERSTADT がWSJに書いている評論の一部。
It would be hard to exaggerate the importance of that comment if it were ever circulated within North Korea.
In the official exegesis, Japan is North Korea's most bitter historical enemy, a darker and more abiding nemesis
even than the United States. North Korea's propaganda lauds the country's rocket launches and nuclear tests as
the supreme ratification of the soundness of Pyongyang's proclaimed "military-first politics." It does not take
a master logician to see what Kim Jong Nam's comments imply about the rest of his father's defense and security
program. Such open and seemingly insouciant dissonance within Kim Jong Il's inner circle is utterly unprecedented
-- and may portend further public disagreements yet to come.
A monolithic regime with a dying monarch is now suddenly exposing unfamiliar cracks to the outside world.
This development may prove even more consequential for North Korea's future than Sunday's missile launch.