09/04/06 20:41:32 kYTOa0KU
do you seriously overlooking on Koreans move?
Like you described Korea as somewhere All European or Japanese people
wouldnt know where it is.. if that is ture. why Toyota has stated that there
actuall rival is Hyundai (Korea's 1 car brand, world's 5 th largest) automaker?
why GM and Crysler are following Hyundai marketing (recent Hyundai assurance) ?
You see. Korea is a great threat to Japan. and to All other European companies.
Korea is world's 10th Largest economy and it is one of few most strongest and
fast growing developed economy in the world.
Japan ecnomy is large but they are losing their economic competitiveness.
Our Korean government has pronounced the vision of the country that
by within 15 years time. Korea will be the most richest GNI country in Asian.
and world's 7 or 8 th largest and strong economic nation.
Japan has been world's 2nd largest economy however, their main business profit
has always came from electronic and Automobile industries.
Korea is over-pressing Japanese electrinic & Automobile industries so fast
that you will may heard that Honda is now smaller than Hyundai in number of
global production. Hyundai is aiming Toyota and they are doing it fine. Hyundai
was only company that has increase their sale in the world last & this year.
Samsung, LG, SK tellecom, Iriver, and so on and on ..
Korea's mobile phone industries are now world's 2nd but within 5 years
Korea will be world's 1 mobile selling nation.
Korean ship & steel production are world's number 1.
this is important because this technology will give great strangth for the
industry of Korea's Automobile and so on.
TV, Ships, Buliding construction, Movie & Culture, Drama, POP culture,
Bullet train, Tanks, zet Fighters, War ships,
you name it.