10/12/18 10:46:51 6xTgMGDX
GaBench version 1.32 Result:
DisplayMode : 1600x900 32bit
DirectDraw Device : Primary Device Driver
BitBlt Screen to Screen(SRCCOPY) 411.182
BitBlt ColorMemory to Screen 345.644
BitBlt MonoMemory to Screen 324.057
BitBlt Screen to Screen (ROPS) 41.832
PatBlt Solid Color 752.618
PatBlt Color Pattern 350.980
TextOut System Font 401.280
TextOut TrueType Font 81.200
Line Solid (COPYPEN) 10.596
Line Styled (ROPS) 0.736
Polygon Solid Color (COPYPEN) 383.984
Polygon (ROPS) 42.879
DirectDraw Pattern Blt 110.928
DirectDraw Scroll and Animation Sprites 43.530
DirectDraw Line Scroll and Animation Sprites 0.305
10/12/18 10:48:02 6xTgMGDX
Direct3D Texture Mapping 557.056
Direct3D Alpha Blending 511.022
Diretc3D Polygon Throughput Rate (26 pixel) 2822.543
Direct3D Over Drawing (Front to Back) 35.718
Direct3D Over Drawing (Back to Front) 21.716
Direct3D Z-Buffer Fill Rate 1082.508
GDI Total Point 268.002
DirectX Total Point 150.006
DirectDraw Total Point 3.037
Direct3D Total Point 5779.062
Direct3D Rendering Quality Option:
Shading Mode: Gouraud
TextureFiltering Mode: Bi-Linear
Perspective Correction
10/12/18 12:16:32 JazUZ1/1
キタ━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━( ゚)━( )━(゚ )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━!!!!
10/12/18 18:38:50 EMjbca5j
10/12/19 07:11:53 LwnhXNyI