10/11/12 03:56:29 fFE/ZUaV
>We do make a version of the IBM Japanese keyboard. Do to lack of certain components we had to eliminate a few of the buttons on the bottom row.
>We do not know what those buttons were, however we have sold many of the layout that we have over the past 8-10 years.
>The key thing is that the keyboard is a Buckling Spring and is available in a 102 Model M footprint and 105 Unicomp Space Saver footprint.
>These models can be seen @ www.pckeyboard.com.
調べてみたんだが、5576-C01(IBMのJISバックリングスプリングキーボード)とUnicompの105 SpaceSaverとフットプリントは同じっぽい。