19/03/29 11:06:30.31 KZG6al0b0●.net BE:725951203-PLT(26252)
S. Korean leader to meet with Trump in US on nuke diplomacy
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ― South Korea says its president will travel to
the United States to meet with President Donald Trump for a summit on
North Korean nuclear diplomacy.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s office said Friday that Moon will
visit the United States on April 10-11 and meet with Trump.
It says the two leaders will discuss how to achieve North Korea’s complete
denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula.
U.S.-led diplomacy on ridding North Korea of its nuclear program remain
stalled since Trump’s second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong
Un in Vietnam last month ended without any deal.
North Korea later threatened to quit the nuclear diplomacy, citing a lack
of U.S. steps to match disarmament measures it took last year.