10/11/08 22:26:56.91 +tkzg/ZD0 BE:1345275959-PLT(23411) ポイント特典
Top Ten Most Over-used Japanese RPG Cliches
If one has played a number of Japanese role playing games, definite tropes come to mind
for the genre. In the last twenty years or so, the medium has become further and further
specified to the point that many of these tropes have left the realm of patterns and themes
to full-blown cliches. The following is a list of the top ten most over-used Japanese RPG
cliches, in no particular order. To aid in the fun, I have decided to present the list in the
form of a plot synopsis for a fictitious game just to show how easily these can be applied.
1. Final Boss
2. Green Ranger Rule
3. Persistent Miniboss
4. Unorthodox travel method
5. Public Storage
6. Laurel and Hardy
7. The Luddite Rule
8. Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
9. Burn Baby Burn!
10.Youth in Revolt