11/03/15 07:40:38.46 rR4cxiSM0
新潟市 3/14 22:33~3/15 04:33まで
Gamma-Scout -- Calculation of Raw-Data --
[cps] means 'counts per second' (recognized impulses per second)
Rate in [cps] means 'counts per second'
This value represents the measured pulses per second.
Dose in [microSievert/h] means 'microSievert per hour'.
from to Counts Rate Dose
22:33 14.03.11 23:33 14.03.11 0000000938 0.261 0.163
23:33 14.03.11 00:33 15.03.11 0000000919 0.255 0.160
00:33 15.03.11 01:33 15.03.11 0000000989 0.275 0.172
01:33 15.03.11 02:33 15.03.11 0000000991 0.275 0.172
02:33 15.03.11 03:33 15.03.11 0000000965 0.268 0.168
03:33 15.03.11 04:33 15.03.11 0000001028 0.286 0.178