09/01/02 21:49:28 wWrB3Q2k BE:904665964-2BP(32)
THE HINDU 2008年12月24日
Mumbai: The shipping fraternity in India has stepped up its campaign over the sentencing of two Indian seamen in South Korea in connection with an oil spill in Korean waters. Angry protesters gathered at the Azad Maidan
ムンバイ:インドの船員組合は韓国での原油流出に関連した2名のインド人船員への韓国の判決に対する行動をっ加速している。怒りをあらわにしている抗議者は、火曜日にAzad Maidanに集合し韓国に本社を置く韓国企業
here on Tuesday and pledged to boycott Korean products, especially from Samsung, headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
Captain Jasprit Chawla and Chief Officer Syam Chetan of Hebei Spirit, a very large crude carrier managed by V. Ships, were on December 10, 2008, sentenced to jail for 18 months and eight months respectively by the
V.Ship社所有の大型原油タンカー”Hebei Sprit号”のJasprit Chawla 船長とSyam Chentan航海士は、さる2008年12月10日に、韓国のDaejeon 地方裁判所において、それぞれ18ヶ月と8ヶ月の刑が宣告され、船長には千ドルの
Daejeon district court in South Korea. In addition, Mr. Chawla was fined thousands of U.S. dollars.
This judgment reversed the earlier order of a lower court, which exonerated the two officers. The spilling accident took place on December 7, 2007, near the Port of Daesan on the Yellow Sea coast off Taean County.
この判決は、2名を無罪とした下級裁判所での直近の判決を覆した。 原油流出事故は、2007年12月7日にTaean郡沖合いにある黄海に面したDaesan港近くで発生した。
According to the press note by the Indian Seafarers Federation (ISF) and media reports, Hebei Spirit, carrying 2,60,000 tonnes of crude oil, was anchored when a free-floating barge owned by Samsung collided with the ship
インド船員組合の報道と、メディアレポートによると、サムソン所有のバージがHebei Spirit号に衝突し、どうタンカーの船体に穴を開けた際、260,00トンの原油を運搬中だった同タンカーは投錨中であり、”10,800トン相当の原油”が
and punctured it. Some “10,800 tonnes of oil” was leaked along the coast, causing massive pollution and affecting the livelihoods of fishing communities.
Shipping and maritime organisations across the board contend that the two officers were not to be blamed for the spillage. On the contrary, their efforts saved lives and prevented the tanker from exploding. The ISF has
Shippin and maritime organasaitons(海事機構でよいのかな?)は、原油流出事故について、この2名は無罪であるとして全面的に争った。 ISFは、
termed the judgment an “example of criminalisation of seafarers for discharging their duties.”
Decrying the judgment, Abdulgani Y. Serang, general secretary of National Union of Seafarers (NUSI), said the inquiry report of the Korean maritime authorities was an “attempt to implicate the seafarers.” At a press
判決への非難の中で、国際船員組合のgeneral secretary(書記長でよい?)であるAbfulgani Y.Serang は、韓国の海事当事者の調査報告書はインド人船員に(事故を)関連づけることを試みていると言った。また彼は、火曜日の会
conference here on Tuesday, he also cited instances of alleged manipulation by Samsung.