09/09/18 23:10:55 J/PcxulI
Did you already have played before to Japan?
In 2002, I made two weeks of concerts to Tokyo and Osaka, with the Japanese troop of Rent.
But you didn't play in the spectacle?
No, in fact, it was a set of concerts where I sang" The Life Bohemia ≫ in English, and them in Japanese,
I also made personal titles with my group, then one sang all" Seasonses of Coils ≫ together.
It was a brilliant experience. I didn't know at the time that I would come back to Japan, and even less to play in Rent!
What do you like in Tokyo? Does that correspond to the idea that you made yourselves of the city?
I always thought that I would like Tokyo. I like the cities, the Japanese kitchen, the culture,
as me imagined it to me. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to be here. I like the energy, the contrast between
the loud and animate streets that coast silent and restful streets, it is an incredible mixture.
And then it is a culture that is constructed on the respect. I think that the Americans would have a lot to learn Japan!