08/10/27 15:04:01 K7wxjGV00
Nikon SD digital rangefinder
FF (35mm) digital rangefinder
Sensor/processing out of the D3
Full titanium interior/exterior body
Very compact/light - built for low light/discreet/art work
Retro styling, think SP meets 28ti meets.. Giugiaro
Very limited edition, 10,000 in total, 6.000 for domestic market ONLY. Strictly collector’s item (huge market here)
Only available as a kit with 31/1.8, 50/1.5 and 90/1.8
Possibly/likely separately a f/1.0/50mm at even more limited numbers and insane price level
Prices? mad… this is not a photographic tool, this is luxury.
Expected to be close to US $13,000 for the ‘normal’
set but rumored to be a Leica killer in optical performance and handling
Same 1/1 viewfinder principle as the SP rangefinder
Center weighed or spot metering, manual and Av only
NEF RAW and Tiff. Jpg unsure….
Same High ISO performance as D3