08/10/12 07:37:43 jvLI+bko
Bill Rates Fall, Dollar Libor Rises as Credit Remains Frozen
Bloomberg - Oct 10, 2008
Banks in South Korea stopped giving credit to importers. The Libor-OIS
spread, a gauge of demand for cash, climbed to a record 366 basis points from 105 ...
韓国の銀行は輸入業者への信用供与を中止した。 Libor-OIS スプレッドは現金需要
The Associated Press Ghost of 1997 haunts Korean banking crisis
IFR Asia, UK - 23 hours ago
Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has voiced concerns that South Korean banks
will struggle to repay foreign currency debt as their cost of borrowing soars. ...
AP通信 韓国の銀行危機から1997年の亡霊が見える