08/05/29 19:05:57 i9hqoWhF
A few of the animations do resemble ゼロ and X from the X games a little.
As for the hit judgement, I have gave him 3 seperate collision detection settings based on which animation is currently present on-screen.
I carefully planned it considering the size of the boss.
One of my other bosses (which I will not reveal yet) is even much larger than Duplex.
Yes, I am able to reproduce movements from X games, if I wish, with the 6502 coding experience I have.
And I did actually make the shutter doors animate just as it would on those games which is why you could notice a resemblence on the left side of the screen.
On the other hand I think I am having a little trouble getting what you are saying exactly there concerning translating what I'm saying back into japanese for you to read?
I think, but I'm not exactly positive.
Thanks for the comments about it, I appreciate it.