■ 改造ロックマンについて語るスレ ■Stage7at GAMEURAWAZA
■ 改造ロックマンについて語るスレ ■Stage7 - 暇つぶし2ch237:Mike
08/04/27 12:59:12 Fshb7lUr
That's great. I've been studying your source code, and it works pretty well.

I understand it works for only 8 pixel high slope types (45 degree), and I've been seeing if I could still get 4 pixel high types (half the height, 22.5 degrees) to function, based on your code.
It's not going too well.

Label2 (F3DC)
29 0F and #$0F ; remove the 4 bit lower
85 4E sta $4E ; $4E stores

Here I would add in a 4A (LSR A) after the AND #$0F and it will be just fine when the Attribute is E0 for 8~9 frames.
It will adjust the Y coordinate once per 2 frames usually.

But once C0 is detected and begins running code at Label0 $F3B3, I can't seem to get it to continue doing it the same way as for Label2.
I tried doing a 0A (ASL A) after the AND #$0F at F3B3, but it did not work the same way.

You don't have to add support for these smaller angeled slopes, as there would not be anymore open attribute slots avaiable since 00-90 are in use.
But is it possible to get it to work in this way too? I do not mean by completey rewriting the code, just only what it takes to apply to a slope being half the height?

I hope I do not seem like I'm leeching off you. I've done many types of other things for Megaman3, and I have high knowledge of most stuff in the game.
This is only just one of the only single side-projects I've never been able to do before on my own.
