06/10/05 20:20:55 xk5Q1XEA
2y 3y 1y
ZERO → burst error → LOST ONE → TFA(ADAM)
└─→new generation?
EVE burst error (98, FD, 1995/11/22)*
EVE burst error (SS, 1997/01/24)
EVE burst error Windows95 (Win, CD, 1997/05/30)
EVE burst error PLUS (PS2, 2003/07/24)
EVE (Win, DVD, 2003/11/28)*
EVE The Lost One (SS, 1998/03/12)
EVE The Lost One (PS, 1998/12/23)
The Lost One Last Chapter of EVE (Win, DVD, 1999/07/16)
EVE ZERO (PS, 2000/03/30)
EVE ZERO ~ark of the matter~ (Win, CD/DVD, 2000/06/23)
EVE ZERO完全版 (DC, 2001/03/22)
ADAM The double factor (Win, CD, 1999/06/18)*
EVE The Fatal Attraction (PS, 2001/09/27)
EVE The Fatal Attraction (Win, CD/DVD, 2001/12/14)*
EVE new generation (PS2, 2006/08/31)