07/07/27 12:38:56 4HWwzMyY0
北米六月のハード&ソフト売り上げが発表 DS&wiiが大躍進
Nintendo DS: 561,000
Wii: 381,780
PlayStation Portable: 290,100
PlayStation 2: 270,760
Xbox 360: 198,440
Game Boy Advance: 113,870
PlayStation 3: 98,470
01. Wii Mario Party 8 -- 426.k (42万)
02. Wii Play w/ remote -- 291.2k
03. NDS Pokemon Diamond Version -- 288.4k
04. NDS Pokemon Pearl Version -- 214.7k
05. 360 Forza Motorsport 2 -- 197.40k
06. PS2 Guitar Hero 2 w/ Guitar -- 197.35k
07. 360 Guitar Hero 2 w/ guitar -- 177.6k
08. Wii Pokemon Battle -- 157.9k
09. Wii Resident Evil 4
10. 360 The Darkness
11. PS2 Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2
12. PS2 Transformers: the Game
13. 360 Tenchu z
14. NDS New Super Mario Bros
15. PS2 Tomb Raider: Anniversary
16. Wii Super Paper Mario
17. 360 Transformers: The Game
18. PS2 MLB '07: The Show
19. Wii Big Brain Academy: Wii
20. 360 Dirt