14/11/29 22:30:14.38 DEMLx/+S0 BE:603249746-2BP(1250)
増田俊也(ますだとしなり) ?@MasudaToshinari
【拡散希望】フランス柔道連盟が「打撃ありの柔道」を、新部門として起ち上げることになったそうです。衝撃のニュースです。名称はMJA=Mixed Jiu-Jitsu Arts。
>Now the powerful French Judo federation which is run by the IJF, has decided to offer to
>counter the growing number of Judokas migrating to MMA practitioners by creating a new sport: “Mixed JuJitsu Arts”.
>This is not the first time that the IJF has copied a growing martial arts. To counter BJJ’s growth,
>the IJF has also developed a circuit of Judo Ne Waza tournaments which basically follow very similar rules
>as BJJ with a focus on ground fighting. This is the same principle that FILA (International Wresting Federation) did with Grappling and their ‘Gi Grappling’ (sic).