ISIS、刑務所で14歳の女の子を集団レイプしその様子を女の子の携帯電話から親に聞かせる。 [469534301]at POVERTY
ISIS、刑務所で14歳の女の子を集団レイプしその様子を女の子の携帯電話から親に聞かせる。 [469534301] - 暇つぶし2ch1:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です
14/08/28 21:37:34.83 PAu61rqq0 BE:469534301-2BP(1000)
Rape and Sexual Slavery Inside an ISIS Prison

Held by the terror group, women and girls as young as 14 who are not sold as wives are subjected to rape and torture. One woman is trying to buy their freedom?but time is running out.
ERBIL, Iraq ? Thousands of Iraq’s Yazidis, driven from their homes by ISIS and trapped in the desperate siege of Mt. Sinjar, have captured the world’s attention and received some relief from U.S. airstrikes and humanitarian aid.
But hundreds of Yazidi women taken by ISIS and held in a secret prison where they have been raped and sold off like property are facing an equally dire fate.

Survivors who managed to escape from ISIS say the women held in its prison in Mosul face two fates: Those who convert to Islam are sold as brides to Islamist fighters for prices as low as $25, and ranging up to $150.
Those who do not convert face daily rape and a slow death.

Accounts of the prison have come from women who managed to hide their cellular phones, calling relatives to describe their plight.
Some imprisoned women have been forced by militants to call their families. The mother of one woman still held captive told The Daily Beast about the call she received from her daughter.
She was forced to listen as her daughter detailed being raped by dozens of men over the course of a few hours. Still other women testified that multiple children had been born under these conditions,
with the newborns ripped away from their mother’s arms to fates unknown.
